Event report

December 2014 - Christmas Letters by Phoenix men's chorus


On December 6th, we went to hear the wonderful Spirit of Phoenix men’s chorus perform their show called Christmas Letters. This group has been in existence in the Phoenix area for over 60 years. Their beautiful musical selections got us all in the mood for Christmas. Wonderful. Following the matinee concert we all went off to dinner at BJs and continued our enjoyment, accompanied by two of the singers, David Schwalm and John Brock. Hmmm. Did we enjoy the day?

“I’m partial to barbershop harmonies and the Phoenix Chorus is among the best anywhere. This was my third year at their top notch performance.” Norm Perrill

“A great way to start the Season and the program brought Christ into Christmas as it should be.” Hal White

Story by Gary Anderson


2014 Christmas


2014 Christmas event