Finance committee

The Finance Committee considers how ASURA finances its operations over the long term, and recommends any actions about the means of financing to the Board. Specific questions addressed are:

  • Is ASURA  bringing in enough money to finance the things it is doing and would like to do? If not, what should  ASURA do about it (raise dues, hold fund raisers, reduce expenses, etc.)?  
  • If the residual funds are more than needed for on-going operations, what should ASURA do about it (e.g., put money into the Scholarship Endowment fund, lower dues)?
  • Does ASURA need to hold fund raisers and if so what specifically should they be (golf tournament, book sales, etc.)? If the Board decides on a fund raiser, it can appoint a committee to actually carry it out.

The one specific task defined in the Bylaws is the need to perform an annual review of the financial books and report the results to the Board..

If you

  • would like to have some input as to how ASURA allocates its resources, including any residual funds, 
  • have fund raising ides, or
  • just have a green eye shade you would like to get out and use,

this committee is for you and you should contact the Committee Chair.

Contact the chair


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