How to join

Joining ASURA is automatic for new ASU retirees. For others, joining is a simple process of completing a form. New memberships are free through June of next year.

Learn why to join

Membership eligibility

You are eligible for membership in the ASU Retirees Association if you are:

  • retired from Arizona State University;
  • retired, and once worked at Arizona State University;
  • approaching retirement from Arizona State University;
  • retired from another university;
  • a surviving partner of a deceased former member of the ASU Retirees Association.

Membership period

Membership is normally for one year, from July 1 through June 30.

New members are entitled to a free introductory membership period, which runs from the date of enrollment through June of the next calendar year. This means that the free introductory period for new members can vary from less than 7 months to 18 months, depending on when they enroll.

Automatic membership for new retirees

New ASU retirees, identified by ASU's Human Resources, are automatically enrolled in ASURA near the start of the calendar quarter following retirement. ASURA sends welcome information to the newly-enrolled. If you prefer not to take advantage of the free Introductory membership right away, the welcome information tells you how to opt out.

Self-enrollment for others

To enroll in ASURA:

Re-enrollment for former members

Former members are not eligible for the free introductory membership. If you are returning to ASURA after a break in membership, welcome back!

Thank you for joining

Your membership is important and welcome.

We look forward to seeing you and to hearing from you.

Welcome Aboard