Event report

March 2018 - Spring Luncheon


The first luncheon event for the new year was held on Tuesday, March 20, 2018, at Shalimar Country Club/Restaurant in Tempe.  The event speaker was Rob Spindler, University Archivist at ASU Library.  Rob has been with ASU for 29 tears and brought the attendees up-to-date on changes he has seen and what to expect in the future.  He discussed the challenges of documenting President Crow's presidency, along with collecting papers of university faculty, incorporating the archival program started at Thunderbird and preserving on-line newspapers and university publications, along with much more.  Rob answered questions from the audience and  left everyone with a new perspective on "The Future of ASU's Past."

Story by Bonnie Scheall

Pictures by Barry McNeill


Bev Buddee and Jay Butler


Bev Buddee and Jay Butler