Event report

May 2014 - Lunch with Wine Tasting


A happy group of 12 ASU retirees met for lunch and a wine-tasting experience at the D'vine Bistro & Wine Bar in Chandler on Thursday, May 15th. Not only did the group enjoy an excellent dining experience, they also received an educational experience from D’vine's sommelier. Several wines were presented, from dry sauvignon blanc to chardonnay to pinot noir to the "serious" reds and even a German "ice wine" (sweet!) to accompany dessert!

At the end of the luncheon, there wasn't a "whiner" in the group! The photos tell the story best. The group is al-ready discussing a wine tour or two in AZ with the inclusion of other oenophiles amongst the ASURA!

Written by Barbara Bradford Eschbach


Bill and Bobbie Lee


Bill and Bobbie Lee