Membership and communications

The Membership & Communications Committee is a collection of six sub-committees: Membership, Prime Times, E-News, Obituaries, and Database, and Websites. The chair of the Membership sub-committee is the chair of the overarching Membership & Communications Committee. Typically, each of the sub-committees has only one or two members and the subcommittees operate more or less independently of each other. 

Membership committee

The Membership Committee oversees the annual membership drive. It promotes and facilitates membership in ASURA, monitors and reports on ASURA membership, and works with the ASURA Board to develop new recruiting and retention approaches. 

If you would like to help with membership retention and recruitment please contact the Membership Chair.

Contact membership chair

Prime Times

Prime Times is ASURA's newsletter, published three times a year. Typically the editor solicits material from the other committee chairs and compiles them into an 8- to 12-page newsletter. Paper versions of the newsletter are mailed to members who want a paper copy; others receive a link to an online copy. Past copies of Prime Times are available online.

If you have a story you would like published or are interested in helping with the editing and publishing process, please contact the Prime Times editor.

Contact Prime Times editor


E-News is the ASURA electronic newsletter and is used to keep ASURA members abreast of current items of interest. Typically the editor, in consultation with the ASURA President, decides after each ASURA Board Meeting whether there is material for another E-News publication. Occasionally E-News will be published at non-standard times when important time-dependent events warrant it. 

If you would like to help edit and publish E-News please contact the E-News editor.

Contact E-News editor


ASURA publishes obituaries for people who were at some time ASU employees or who had another significant (non-student) connection to ASU. Notices are found in a variety of places:

  • newspapers and other publications, 
  • communications from bereaved family members,
  • communications from ASURA members, and
  • so forth.

The notice is published on the ASURA website and sent by e-mail to those ASURA members who have opted to receive them. 

If you would like to help collect, edit, and post obituaries please contact the Obituary Committee Chair.

Contact obituary chair


The Database committee is responsible for managing the ASURA membership database, which is housed on Wild Apricot. The database is essential to operations, being used for  communications, for event registrations, for membership status information, etc.

If you are interested in helping with the management of and reporting on our membership data, please contact the Database Committeee chair.

Contact database chair


The Websites committee is charged with maintaining the content on the ASURA websites. It also maintains and customizes the software platforms that the websites are built on. 

If you would like to help with the ASURA websites please contact the Website and database chair.

Contact the websites chair