How to contact ASURA

ASURA is available by phone, email, and US Postal Service. In addition, you are welcome to come to the ASURA office whenever office volunteers are available to greet you.

Phone:  480-965-7668

FAX:      480-965-7807


Mailing Address:
PO Box 873308
Tempe, AZ 85287-3308

Physical Address:

Community Services Building Room 201

200 Curry Road

Tempe, AZ

The ASU Retirees Association looks forward to hearing from you. Please bear in mind that all ASURA personnel are retired volunteers, so the office may not always be staffed and responses to mail, email, and phone messages may not be immediate.

The office is in Room 201. We typically have meetings in Room 203 or 330, and seminars in Room 330.