Event report

September 2012 - Genealogy Seminar


The first ASURA Seminar for the fall academic year focused on genealogy and how and where to find your ancestral roots.  A turn-out of 27 individuals attended the event at The Family Search Library in Mesa.

Elders Steve Packer and Gordon Mulleneaux (an alumnus of ASU) gave both an infor-mative lecture and assistance on the computers. The seminar provided the keys to start on the road to researching ancestry. Attendees learned where the repositories are located that hold the facts needed to put their genealogy puzzle together.

Many individuals found links to their roots while trolling on the computer segment of the seminar. Most, if not all attendees, left with a greater knowledge and greater respect for the process. Everyone took home photos of their earliest ancestors and a plethora of handouts of valuable information for continued research. All left with a certificate of achievement to hang on the refrigerator


Taking notes


Taking notes