ASURA Volunteer
Terrie Ekin
Board Member 2022-2025
Financial Operations Manager 2023-2024

Created May 2023
I started at ASU in December of 1990 and retired 2014. I worked in the then College of Engineering, moving to the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences after completing a Masters of Public Administration. I helped administer and report on the sponsored research done at ASU and helped to explain the mysteries of indirect costs and our equitable, although complicated, schemes for cost-sharing. After I retired, I completed an MA in Religious Studies, focusing on Science and Religion. I learned more about medieval astronomy than I thought I ever would. My husband is retired too, and we visit friends and family through the year. ASU has a Community Flute Choir, I’ve been a member since it started, ask me when our next concert is, even better think about joining. No children ever graced our house, but I visit and coddle the ones living with my siblings and their children.